Saturday, June 14, 2014

1. My Parents

My parents are the most kindest people I know. They are so supportive and always help me when I need it. Everyday they go out of their way to take care of me. From my dad, I learned how to care for others. For example, today I stayed home from school because I got sick, I had two projects due today so my dad drove to school and handed them in to my teachers for me so they would not be counted as late. He dropped everything to do this. From my mom, I learned about forgiveness. Whenever I do something wrong my mom is always the first person to forgive me. She helped me learn from my mistakes rather than feel bad about them.  I learn a lot of my parents; from how to play sudoku to how to jump rope. From how to cook pasta to how to do algebra. I would not be who I am today without my mom and dad. I am so grateful to have them as my parents.

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